
Why is Attendance Management System Important for Establishments?

It might be difficult to run an establishment when the employee leaves clashes and there are now available to perform the duties for the day. The lack of management and planning will always lead to this in a company that can haul the operations of the company and set the productivity factor to a lower rate. Another aspect that institutions face is the marking of attendance of the employees and the staff, sometime this will be done in an unorthodox and a nonconventional way where it won't even be noted down rather the managers will keep it in their memory or on bits of paper which would be eventually lost in time. The problem arises at the instance when the parasol is being provided as there is no substantiated evidence to confirm the time off and the leaves of the employees.

All the above-mentioned aspects are a result of improper management and the lack of use of dedicated tools for the HR operations of the establishments. Furthermore, the attendance management systems will not only note the attendance of the employees for the instance but their records can be accessed any time in the future for the inhouse operations of the companies. Today there are numerous software and platforms available which will help you to mark and manage employee leaves for an efficient company operation. Moreover, there is complete HR management software that will not only help in the employee leave management but also in providing complete control over the HR management operations of the company with dedicated tools and functional options which are advanced for this era of operations.

OpenHRMS is one such software that will help you with the complete management of the Human Resource operations of your establishment. An all-in-one HR management solution OpenHRMS is equipped with dedicated modules for the operations which are interconnected in functioning for the retention of the data in real-time functioning. In addition, the system has a centralized database for the operations which will provide all the data at your fingertip from all the modules of operations. In addition, the functioning of employees can be measured based on the timesheet operations described and you will be able to generate the payroll based on the timesheet depicted on each of the tasks that the employees have completed. To read more about the Attendance Biometric System, refer to our blog Attendance Biometric System

This blog will describe the vitality of the attendance management system in an organization.

Let's initially discuss the common problem faced by establishments on the attendance management operations without dedicated solutions such as OpenHRMS. Here are some of the conflicting aspects the institution faces without the help of dedicated HR operational tools for leave management:

> Errors in your attendance record if you have one

> No dedicated channel of operation for leave request and approval

> No track on employee functioning

> Cannot manage remotely working employees

> Need to generate a call or a mail to confirm the employee attendance

> Cannot manage the leaves employees take especially when multiple staffs from a single section or a departments take leave wh8ch will affect the operations of the company

> Cannot track task completion and which project the employees are working on.

These are some of the major problems faced on the aspects of not having an attendance management system or one which works efficiently for the management of the company operations. Let's now move on to understanding the advantages of using an attendance management system and thus understand the vitality of it in an establishment.

How can effective attendance management be beneficial for the establishment?

With efficient HR management tools or dedicated attendance management tools in operations you will be able to manage the employee leaves and how it can be managed without affecting the functionality of the company, here are some of the advantages of using an attendance management systems:

Employee Tracking

With the attendance management systems, you can track the employees present and analyze the tasks that have been performed in the day thus ensuring their work quality and quantity. Furthermore, the records of tasks that are completed and ongoing can be kept for further references such as analyzing the employee efficiency at the time of an appraisal or a payroll generation.

Generating the payslips

The payslips and payroll operations of the establishments go hand in hand with the employee leaves and the attendance management as they are generated based on the time off taken by the employee and the timesheet operations. Moreover, the salary structure can be prefixed to the system and the payslips can be auto-generated based on the employee leaving a timesheet on projects and tasks.

Remote working management

The remotely working employees of the company can be managed and their leaves and work activities can be managed with the help of dedicated tools. In OpenHRMS software you will be able to describe the employee operations based on timesheets that are being described for each task and projects in operations. Moreover, the remotely working employees can be tracked, analyzed, and managed based on this timesheet functioning.

Ease of attendance registration

The attendance registration which is usually done manually will take up a lot of time for the HR managers, however with HR management tools such as OpenHRMS, you will be able to integrate biometric devices, barcode scanners, and pin-based attendance registration. These devices can be set at the company entrances and exits where the employees register the entry and exist, therefore making use of the same data to register the employee attendances and leaves.

These are some of the advantages of using HR management tools for the management operations of employees. You can read the following blog to have an understanding of the benefits of attendance regularization in your company with the OpenHRMS management software: Read more on the benefits of the attendance management system.